Thursday, January 07, 2010

Please advertise responsibly

In the most recent Guinness spot "Slide," currently running here in the U.S., we follow a freshly poured pint of the rich Irish stout on a fantastical, Bugs-Bunny-fortuitously-sleepwalking-through-perilous-obstacles journey from the local bar to the window of a high-rise office building. Just before we know where it's headed, we cut to a new guy begging his boss for a raise for his team. He hasn't even been there a week, he admits with a snarky grin.

Next, he grabs the magical sliding pint glass off the ledge and toasts his manager as the title “Fortune Favors the Bold” keys in — above the "Drink Responsibly" legalese.

The creative is just so dumb and bottom-barrel — and of course nothing near "edgy" or "irreverant," just dumb — my medulla oblongata hurts. And couldja please rip off Honda or a dozen other domino-inspired spots? That'd be great. But don't take a fraction of the time they took to set up something clever when you do.

There's just something about major advertisers defining "responsible drinking" like boozin' on the job your first week at your crotchety boss's desk. (That'll show him.) The juxtaposition of the disclaimer and the headline is just icing on the dumb-cake. Not sure if I should direct my derision at the client or BBDO. (And I love how the YouTube version doesn't bother to include the legal disclaimer, which is evidence they know it's a contradiction to anyone with a somewhat-developed cranium.) Please enjoy responsibly, but irresponsibly. Thank you.

By the way, Guinness, what ever happened to “Good Things Come to Those Who Wait”?

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